I am still here! Can you guess what my New Years Resolution is? January 1st I am re-vamping, re-starting and getting geared up to start all over. I have had too much fun these past few months and have not been taking this as seriously as I would like to. January 1st, no ifs...ands...or buts about it. New year, fresh new me. Until then I wish you all a Happy New Year and I hope you all had a good Christmas.
I don't know what it is I just can't seem to get myself back on track this week with exercise! I have been keeping active but have not worked out like I have wanted. I don't know why I do some things! It is like as if saying I want to work out makes it ok to not; ha. I don't know I am having a very difficult time getting a daily exercise routine together. I miss spring/summer so much. Once the nice weather left I feel my motivation went with it. Excuses I know but that seems to be what i'm full of these days. The crappy part of it is that I know better but just can't seem to get myself into the groove. In a way I feel like I have hit a brick wall. My monthly visit is just around the corner so I have been extra crazy these past few days lol. I will not weigh myself until next Friday.
I woke up this morning and had a cup of green tea. I had 2 eggs and 2 slices of wheat toast for breakfast. I am not sure what I will have for lunch or dinner. I am half way through my 75oz water jug. I am having an Ugly Christmas Sweater party Saturday so that should be fun! I plan to cheat with a few drinks. Instead of having my Friday cheat day on Friday I will have it on Saturday. ![]() <-- I finally got a tree yesterday! I wasn't sure if we were going to have one this year or not. I just don't have it in me to switch over to fake and one of my friends had an extra real tree and gave it to me! I put it up today and decorated it. Now for it to only snow! I don't care too much for the stuff but around the Holidays it is needed! I had warm water with fresh lemon juice first thing when I got up. I then made myself a cup of green tea and am still working on my water jug. I have been pretty busy today. I had a banana for breakfast and for lunch I had half of a Subway sub on flat bread. I will be having the other half in a little bit here for dinner. I have not worked out but I know I really should if I want to start this week off good. I haven't done a basement workout in a while; I need to force myself to get down there before bed and get back into a routine! EVERY DAY, EVERY DAY, EVERY DAY! I plan to start this next week on a good note!
I had lemon juice with warm water this morning and then made myself a cup of green tea. I had a banana for breakfast and for lunch I had a ham sandwich on whole wheat bread. For dinner I had a lean cuisine. I am almost done with my SECOND jug of water for the day. Again like yesterday I don't have too much to say. So many times I find myself at a loss with words. At this point it's hard to not repeat what I have said before. I am having writers block I guess. Some days I feel like I could write forever and then others...nothing. ![]() We ended up ordering pizzas last night so I did not have my Friday cheat day today. I had lemon juice in warm water first thing this morning and then I made 2 eggs and 2 slices of wheat toast for a late breakfast/lunch. I am almost done with my 75oz water jug and have had 3 cups of green tea. For dinner I had a turkey sandwich on wheat bread with mustard, lettuce and a slice of american cheese. I went grocery shopping so I am set for a while! I got sweet potatoes, wheat bread, eggs, lettuce, lean cuisines, pork fillets, and these 90 calorie portioned out lunch meats. I got a mixture of turkey and ham. We also got most of our Christmas shopping done too. I was approached by a woman in one of the stores and she asked me if I was Marilyn. It made me feel great because I have met her before! I still feel like me but I forget I might look different to the people that haven't seen me since I have started my journey. I still have 3 garbage bags FULL of nice plus size clothing to give away. I have a few jackets in there, some pants, shirts...3XL/4XL... Lots of Old Navy. ![]() So I weighed myself this morning in the mindset that I was going to see a number I did not want to see. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I have lost another 3 pounds! 4 more pounds to lose until I will back to negative 80! As of today I am 76 pounds down. I had warm water with half of a fresh lemon squeezed into it first thing this morning and then I made myself a cup of green tea. I had 2 eggs and 2 slices of wheat toast for breakfast and am currently on my 4th cup of green tea. I am skipping lunch and I am not sure what I will have for dinner. I think it's going to be a cheat day for me. Michael asked to take me out to eat so we will see! We are planning on going to a sit down restaurant or order out Scotts pizza and cozy in. I will not have my Friday cheat day if eating out tonight follows through. Today I am having one of those days where I can't believe how far I have come. Even with my set-backs I can't help but just sit here and smile. I never thought I would follow through with this process. I can't believe I even topped the -50 mark. Slowly but surely I am getting back on track and hope to be back to my norm as soon as I shake off the rest of that 8 pound gain. I don't think I will feel normal until then! I think part of me feels like I have failed because of the gain and therefore I just went down hill from there (mentally) but I need to remember who I am and why I started this journey. I need to finish what I started. I WILL NOT GIVE UP! It may take some time but I will get to where I want to be. I cannot say I didn't expect a few hiccups along the way and I can say there will probably be more. The bottom line is I KNOW I can get through them and try to be the best I can be. The ONLY one standing in my way is ME. For days I have sat down and tried to write a post. I have been at a loss for what to say. I have not been exercising but I have been keeping active/dancing. I have not weighed myself since the last time and I am not sure when I will weigh in next. I do not feel like I have gained and I do not feel like I have lost. I have not been cheating with food and have been staying in my calorie intakes. I also have been keeping up with my water and green tea. I'm sorry for leaving you guys hanging, I just have not felt like blogging these past few days.
This morning I got up and had lemon juice in warm water first thing. I then made myself a cup of green tea and had a turkey sandwich on wheat bread with lettuce for a late breakfast/lunch. I am not sure what I will have for dinner. It will most likely be a can of healthy choice soup with saltines. I am forcing myself to workout today no matter what. I cannot get back into the groove I was in. I can't really explain the point I am at in my weight-loss. My Mom thinks I have gotten too comfortable with my weight that I am at now and therefore I am slacking. I agree. I need to find something to excite me again with this whole process. My little motivational posters don't seem to be doing it for me anymore. I need to find an activity I enjoy doing that will also result in me losing weight. I have applied at a couple different places for a job and hope if I get hired at one I can get a schedule going. Right now I think my problem is that I have all the time in the world therefore I can't motivate myself. I don't know. Like I said I haven't been blogging these past couple day because I really am at a loss on what to say or how to explain my current situation. Other than all that I have been feeling pretty up-beat. ![]() I have been on my journey for 222 days now and this is my 200th posting! Lately I have been short with my posts. I have been feeling a need to curl up and "hibernate". Good or bad I don't know. I had a cup of warm water with a half of a lemon squeezed into it first thing this morning. I then had a cup of green tea with some left over's for breakfast. I had a ham sandwich on wheat toast for lunch with baked sweet potato fries. I had some more left over's for dinner. I am almost done with my water jug and have had one cup of coffee earlier at a friends house. I have not exercised today but I hope I can drag myself down in the basement before I go to bed. It is so hard for me to stick to my routine on the weekends! I don't know why but I always slack off when the weekend hits. |
My name is Marilyn and I am 27 years old. I have been overweight for most of my life and on May 1st, 2012 I weighed in at 338 pounds. This blog is about my weight-loss journey.
February 2016