![]() HELLO! Long time; no post! I know I have been neglecting my blogging duties. We just got internet again this past Friday and it just doesn’t feel right when I go somewhere else to write besides at home. Also my phone gives me too much grief when I try to post that way. I know you missed me but I'm here now! ;-) LOL WELL; I do not know where to start. It has been a little over 1 month since my last posting and nothing has really changed on the weight-loss front. I would love to be able to come on here and say that I have lost more but it’s easier said than done, ha! I have become so much more comfortable with who I am that it’s harder to self-motivate & get my butt in gear. I have been maintaining my weight but have been slacking on the progress part. I am still 100 down and I fluctuate a couple pounds here and there but I WILL NEVER let myself go backwards. I still have my goal to lose more weight and I still plan on doing so, I just need to get with the program! It seems one week I will be on top of my lemon water, green tea and eating better but then I suck on the exercise front and vice versa. Even though I am happy with myself right now, I still have that desire to fulfill the dream to be down to 170 or just under the 200's in general! I will make it happen come hell or high water! I sent my resume in a few weeks ago to apply for a job that I really want. They called me for an interview last week and it went very well! I hope I get it! They said I will not hear anything back for a couple of weeks for they were still doing interviews. I have not said much about it because I do not want to jinx my chances! If I do get it, I know I will flourish with my weight loss because it will be easier to stick to a routine since I will be on a set work schedule Mon-Fri. I never thought I’d be this excited over a job opportunity. It is a job I would really LOVE to have and I could see myself there for a long time. I have been ready to get back out into the working field! I will keep you guys posted. I have been enjoying my summer but I must say it is going by WAY too fast! We had some warmer days up in the 90’s earlier this month and I loved it! It is so crazy on how I can deal with the heat better than I could have last year. I’ve said before it’s like I took off 3 wool coats! Sadly I STILL have yet to hit up a lake to go swimming! I could punch myself! This summer is getting away from me and I need to get out to the lake on the next nice day we have. These past few days it has been super chilly and yesterday we even had to turn on the heat! We planted peas, green beans, strawberries, chives, green peppers, pumpkins and tomatoes earlier this summer and something keeps eating my strawberries, beans and peas! Our strawberry plant has been pumping off strawberries like crazy but every time I go to pick one it has a little bite mark out of it so one day I picked one that was still half green and I thought I’d let it sit inside and ripen the rest of the way in my window. The next morning I woke up and there was an earwig on my counter that I got rid of. Later on I went to go check on the strawberry and there was a bite missing out of it! Putting 2 and 2 together I think its earwigs that are messing with my crops. I read online and it says that lavender is a natural bug repellent and we have lavender plants so I went and cut a bunch off and put it around my plants that are having the bug issues. Hopefully I will get to eat at least 1 strawberry! There are over 15 that are ripening right now so we will see how good the lavender works. My tomato plants are just flourishing, nothing has touched them and they are growing like crazy! I think next year I am going to plant mainly tomato plants because they do so well where I have them planted! It’s funny because this used to be my great grandparents’ house and I have a bunch of old pictures and in the background of the ones outside you can see a bunch of tomato plants where I have mine planted! They must have gone through the same ordeal I am going through right now or they just loved tomatoes LOL. Anyway; now that we have internet again I will be posting more often and will not let another WHOLE month go by with no word! I can't believe it's been that long since my last update but I need to get back to blogging and get my butt in gear again with my weight-loss. Thanks for reading.....until next time!
My name is Marilyn and I am 27 years old. I have been overweight for most of my life and on May 1st, 2012 I weighed in at 338 pounds. This blog is about my weight-loss journey.
February 2016