![]() First off I am touched by all of the kind words, support, comments, blog veiws & messages that people have been sending me from reading my blog! It really keeps me motivated and I need that right now more than ever! I wasn’t planning on making this blog a daily thing but it seems to be steering in that direction. Today is a down day for me. It sucks! It is so humid that it is making me so lethargic and sleepy. I woke up this morning with huge blisters on each foot and it feels like I’m walking on pins and needles. I feel like it’s crippling me! It is not helping me make any progress. The dishes are piled up in the sink and I’m putting them off for another day. Our walk was cancelled which is a good thing because I would have not gone very far. We were going to exercise at my house but it must be an off day for both of us because she wasn’t feeling well either. I am so discouraged but I need to learn not to be so hard on myself. It is just the beginning. I will do my sit-ups/crunches later but that’s probably going to be it. We have planned to walk tomorrow at 5:30 and I will be determined to do so! (If my feet are up to the challenge by then) - Today I am really feeling all the changes my body is being shocked into. Giving up pop, giving up coffee and switching to tea, drinking water, exercising…. It’s like whoa, whoa what is going on?! I also know I am not on the best of diet and not getting the necessary stuff I need in my system. Saturday I’m going grocery shopping so I will get some healthy food then. I woke up around Noon, split a pasty with Michael and started on my daily gallon of water. I have noticed I get fuller faster which is a good thing. Then I had to meet a client at my photo studio at 3 to pick up a photo order and I took my green tea/squeezed lemon drink with me. As of right now I have only been eating once a day. BAD I know! I want to pick up some lean cuisines on Saturday, carrot sticks etc... I am feeling so tired today. I am not sick and I’m pretty sure my body is just trying to adjust to the no caffeine and the no constant intake of junk food. I have been so proud of myself though. I have not had any junky snacks and have been keeping my will power strong. Every time I felt like going in the kitchen to make something I stop and ask myself “are you really hungry or just bored?” 99.9% of the time I am just bored and instead of making a junky meal/snack, I drink some water. BUT the worst is seeing that darn Wendy’s commercial with that darn new chili cheese fries they have. It makes me want to drive to Iron Mountain and get them! I am so glad they don’t have a Wendy’s in Iron River because I definitely would not be able to hold myself back from going to get those darn fries from that commercial!!! I have cut out fast food COMPLETLEY. I was what you would call a fast food junkie. It got to the point where some of the workers started to know me by name and would say hi Marilyn on the intercom! How embarrassing. I used to closet eat fast food all the time. I literally would go get it and not tell my Mom or Michael and go park somewhere discrete where no one could see me and chow down. How sad now that I think about it. I had a problem. It’s 6:52PM right now and I’m home sitting on the couch writing this with my feet up in the air ready to take a nap. I don’t know; I just can’t motivate myself for nothing today. But it’s ok to take a day off right????? The picture below is not for the weak stomach but it's one of my big blisters on the bottom of my foot! I told my friend they are my battle wounds!! lol
5/3/2012 12:22:45 pm
My headache is finally dull, I think stress, pms, and humidity is the problem there. Now don't be discouraged I'm not. little set backs happen. Your feet are important to those need to heal. Next week pop will go bye bye for me and only be a once in awhile thing. Water, water with mio in it and crystal light will be my drinks.
5/3/2012 12:33:56 pm
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My name is Marilyn and I am 27 years old. I have been overweight for most of my life and on May 1st, 2012 I weighed in at 338 pounds. This blog is about my weight-loss journey.
February 2016