I had a great weekend. BUT I did misbehave! I ended up eating out twice; once with Michael for dinner and once with my Mom for breakfast. My town puts on the UP Championship Rodeo so it was busier than normal this past weekend. I don't go to the rodeo, never had much interest but Michael and I did go to the street dance Saturday night and I had a few drinks. They had 2 bands that played & we ended up going home around 11:30. It was way past my bedtime! LOL - It was nice to get out of the house though. We are usually total hermits. I can't believe yesterday marked 1 month since we have been married! It all seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. ![]() <-- I was super tired on this day (note the bags under my eyes) - I think this new lifestyle change is wearing one me! I can't wait to have it be a habit. It seems whenever you go off of eating bad to healthy or vice versa you go through a change and there is a time period where you have to let your body adjust to the new things that you are putting in it. ![]() I will forever remember a motivational quote I came across a few years ago "It takes 21 days to make a habit" - I feel once I get to that point I'm in the clear and it will much easier for me to make better decisions; BUT DANG, these first days of getting back into the swing of things are the worst! I posted a screen shot below of a comment that I got on my weight loss video on YouTube. As tough as this process can be, reading comments like these really keep me going and also tug at the heart strings a bit! It motivates me to motivate others. What I give out I get in return, karma can be awesome. ![]() I have never been yelled at by a fortune cookie before! I cracked up when I saw this but it is true. I could be working harder & I have had a great start. I love being superstitious! As long as it motivates me, what can it hurt? Thank you motivational, personal trainer fortune cookie! You told me what I needed to hear. Now reading it and actually doing it are two different things but I am getting there! This morning for breakfast I had an omelet. I normally suck at making omelets but this one came out awesome! I have never made a more perfect one. Can you believe I didn't get a picture?! HAHA - I followed this version by Alton Brown to a "T". He had some GREAT tips. I did everything he said minus using the butter (I used Extra Virgin Olive Oil). Here is the link: The Perfect Omelet by Alton Brown Pictured below: A bird built its nest in our overhang on the sun porch. The bad thing is that it overhangs in the dog pen and Saturday I came outside to this baby that had fallen out of the nest pre-mature and my dogs were just staring at it.... I put the dogs back inside and then put gloves on and put the baby in a nest that I had found on the ground last summer. It seemed to be OK and was moving/chirping like I think a baby bird should - The overhang is too high for us to reach with our ladder to put it back in the nest so after looking online on what to do (because I was totally lost and didn't want to just leave it there) I came to read that if a baby bird has fallen pre-maturely out of its nest and you cannot leave it where it has fallen or reach the nest to put it back in that you should make a nest out of a plastic container (we used a plastic bowl), line it with shredded paper towel and nail it to a tree close to where the original nest was. I kept an eye on it because it said you will see the mother going from one nest to another for feeding. Every time I looked I didn't see the Mom but I know she was around. I felt so bad, but what do you do?! Anyways it is gone today and I like to think that it flew away. ![]() I love my new tablet! I have never had one before and they are so much fun. Good-bye to the life I knew! LOL Just kidding but it has sucked up a lot of my time getting it set up the way I want! For dinner I am going to have a grilled pork loin with some asparagus. I am not sure how I am going to make the asparagus. I love asparagus so I will eat it any way but I am leaning more towards grilling since I have never had it that way. I feel this posting is all over the place. I can't talk/type fast enough to get out all the things I want to say today! So sorry for the disorganization. That's what I get for waiting 3 days!
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My name is Marilyn and I am 27 years old. I have been overweight for most of my life and on May 1st, 2012 I weighed in at 338 pounds. This blog is about my weight-loss journey.
February 2016