![]() I woke up and had my lemon water and then made myself 2 scrambled eggs with 2 slices of wheat toast cooked with my olive oil spray. I had a banana after breakfast and then for lunch I had a lean cuisine with 2 slices of wheat toast. I use the Sara Lee 45 calories and delicious bread (90 calories for 2 slices). I'm trying to save the calories anywhere I can! I am going to have a large baked sweet potato for dinner. I will also have a serving of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing with it. I usually slice the sweet potato up (not too thick) and bake it with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil, pepper, touch of salt, lots of garlic powder and onion powder. I cook it at 400 for 30 minutes. It turns out DELICIOUS! Then I use the ranch kind of like a dipping sauce. I am on my 5th cup of green tea and am almost done with my water jug for the day. I have had a few off brand frozen dinners in my freezer for quite some time now. They are usually on sale for $1 and they are the "Michelina’s" brand. I really like a few of them and wasn't going to eat them since I've wanted to go with Lean Cuisine/Natural Choice meals until I looked at the back of my Lean Cuisine Spaghetti with meat sauce and compared it to the Michelina’s Angel hair spaghetti with meat sauce and the complete nutrition labels were not off by much! Really, you are just paying for the name when it comes to frozen meals. Next time I am going to compare the labels and save a few bucks and go with Michelina’s. I just went on Michelina’s website and they have coupons to save $1 when you buy 5. I think they are good too! I know I like more of the Michelina options than I do for Lean Cuisine/Healthy Choice. Unless the regular Lean Cuisines/Healthy Choice meals say otherwise they are all pretty much regular food proportioned out properly. I think I'll be getting off the frozen meal wagon pretty soon anyways and start eating more fresh lean and green foods. But I'd still buy frozen meals and eat them on the days when I don't feel like cooking lol. Also I was watching the Dr.OZ show the other day and they were talking about how most extra virgin olive oils are FAKE! He said to test yours; put it in the fridge (not freezer) and if it's authentic it will solidify. If it's fake it will still be pourable. How crazy is that? Sure enough mine was not real extra virgin olive oil, even though it stated so on my label! I have got the real stuff now. He said a tip to buying it is to get it in the darker glass bottles (ya, the more expensive brands lol) & if it's in a clear bottle it's probably not legit because light exposure isn't good for pure extra virgin olive oil. I just thought I'd share that with you guys in case any of you use extra virgin olive oil as avidly as I do! I still have yet to work out today. I am really dreading it. I'm not going to go for a walk today and I plan to do a basement workout. My first day at my new job is tomorrow and I know working out will help me with my pre-jitters that I have! I WILL get one in tonight. It's a promise. I want to start jump roping because I read that when you jump rope for 10 minutes you burn 95 calories. The only thing is I need a place I'm comfortable enough to do it in ha-ha. I can't jump rope inside because my ceilings are not high enough and I'm not brave enough to do it outside. No big deal; just a full grown woman here jumping rope by herself in her driveway LOL. I need to invite my little cousins over to do it with me so I don't feel as stupid. It looks like I am going to the demolition derby that they have in town this Saturday. I am going with a friend and meeting up with a few other friends. I haven't set any kind of cheat days yet but I am going to give myself the option to have a few drinks that night if the mood strikes! So in other words, Saturday might be a cheat day for me but I am still going to try and avoid the fair food at all costs! SO if you see me there eating a corn dog I will not hold it against you if you slap it out of my hand LOL.
Meghann Mckay
8/15/2013 02:21:39 am
I was sooo gonna ask you about the Michelina's brand of frozen dinners! I bought a bunch the other day because I'm on a budget :/ but yes now the have a coupon under the lids for $1 when you buy 5 so that's good. I also tried jump roping yesterday but my ceilings are too low and I slapped the hell out of myself with the rope. Lol! Its so good to read someone going through the exact same things I am everyday! I've never been so motivated in my life. Thank you. I have been taking the ACV with water before every meal I tried it a few times with baking soda and it was awful so I just do straight vinegar and water now. I've been seriously slacking on exercise due to lack of time and EXCUSES but i'm gonna make myself do an exercise dvd now. Looking forward to your next post. Have a good day.
8/15/2013 10:22:21 am
LOL! I have never tried the ACV with baking soda and I don't think I ever will, doesn't sound to appetizing! I am having a hard time motivating myself to work out today. I just had my first day at a new job and I am pooped!
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My name is Marilyn and I am 27 years old. I have been overweight for most of my life and on May 1st, 2012 I weighed in at 338 pounds. This blog is about my weight-loss journey.
February 2016