![]() So I have started to weigh myself everyday now until I get to my goal of 100 pounds down. I will update you all with a weekly total every Friday for the pounds I have lost during the week. That's if I can wait that long! BUT the day I get to my goal I will be shouting from the roof tops so I won't keep you guys waiting if that day doesn't fall on a Friday. Let's just say I have been chipping away at the amount I have to lose and I am getting there! I am closer than I was yesterday. I woke up and had my lemon water first thing and then made myself a breakfast sandwich. I have yet to eat lunch and I'm not sure if I will. I am not hungry! I will make myself a salad later on for dinner. I still have most of my water jug to go and I am on my 3rd cup of green tea. Michael came home yesterday and brought me my favorite candy bar when I specifically told him I was cutting out all the crap and not cheating anymore until I get to my goal. I know he was just being thoughtful but sometimes it can be frustrating! I know for him it isn't easy because one day I give him grief when he comes home with treats for himself and doesn't get me anything then the next day I'm saying to not get me anything lol poor guy. I know to him it may just be an innocent candy bar and that having one won't kill me but that's not the point. That could be the little pebble that gets stuck in my gears and messes everything up. I still have yet to eat it and I told him to hide it so I don't know where it is and then to give it to me when I get to my goal. If I know where it is, I know it will just tempt me to the point where I talk myself in to it being harmless and I will eat it and then I will eat this and then eat that and so on. At this point in my journey I have been struggling very hard to get to 100 pounds down. It seems like these last pounds I have to lose are the hardest because I want to lose them the most. BUT I am getting there! I am, I am!!!!!!! Favorite quotes from November 2012: "When I went to check my mail earlier I realized someone had smashed our mailbox! It’s our first encounter with vandalism. I don’t understand or see the fun in doing something like this but I am still fuming. My treadmill is going to get it!!!!! LOL – If only I had a punching bag." -Entry #165, November.01.2012 "Yesterday I have officially entered month 7 of my journey. I am not as far as I wanted to be at this point but the good thing is I have no time limit. As long as I don’t give up I will take as long as I need to." -Entry #166, November.02.2012 "Right now; I need to quit feeling sorry for myself (even though I’m not quite sure what I’m feeling sorry for ha-ha), get up off the couch, put my big girl panties on and grab what’s left of today by the…. well you know lol." -Entry #166, November.02.2012 "It is so easy for it to spiral out of control. I am glad I got the reigns back. I was extremely close to giving up." "Yesterday I took my last Centrum 21 multivitamin. I need to get more! I remember the day I got that bottle; I thought to myself that by the time I would finish off the bottle of 100 I would be somewhere great with my weight loss journey; and I am. I need to remember those little things. I need to remind myself every time I get discouraged about my weight now to not be; for there was a time when I only DREAMED to be where I am at right now." -Entry #169, November.05.2012 "Wowee! I only have 20 more to go until I will have lost a whopping 100. I can’t even imagine how accomplished I will feel when I can say that I have lost 100 pounds." -Entry #178, November.14.2012 "I feel good. I feel boney. My collar bones are very noticeable now and I love it! I have also been getting into stretching or some people would think I was doing yoga if they saw me. I can pretty much fold myself in half lol & I am pretty close to being able to put my leg over my head; it’s crazy! It has been really helping out with my balance. I forgot how flexible I used to be when I was younger I used to be BIG into gymnastics and ballet. I think yoga is something I could really get into now. It is something I have been considering!" "I am starting to get into another awkward stage in my weight loss. 97% of my clothes are dumb. I can't keep up! But I suppose that's a good thing ;-)" -Entry #179, November.15.2012 "Everything I have done and the habits I have changed help me on a daily basis to get to where I want to be. Exercising is just a bonus but I need to regularly do it for myself." "I’m sitting here drinking my coffee getting myself all hyped up again about dieting/exercise. I have put off weighing myself for about a week now and I weighed in this morning. I am not happy but I can’t say I wasn’t expecting it. I could have gone another week without weighing myself because what I don’t know won’t hurt me right? Right... I had my fun and it is time to get back to business. Oh yeah; I have gained 4 pounds." "I can say I need to get back into the swing of things a million times but none of it will ever benefit me if I never do it. It’s amazing how it can all go down the crapper so fast when you just give up for a week. I am not as flexible since I haven’t been stretching and I can feel my body stiffing up again. I am ashamed I have let myself/journey go for this short period of time but I have no excuses. All what I can do now is try to get back on track." "I think I lost my excitement or my thrill for this process. I need to get that back otherwise I will never succeed or reach my ultimate goal. Part of me thinks I am scared. I am starting to really get into a stage in my weight-loss where I am not comfortable with myself. I am so used to being overweight that the thought of becoming smaller is terrifying. I know weird right? I never thought I’d have this feeling after losing almost 80 pounds. No one wants to be fat but "I can’t even tell you guys how much better I am feeling. Exercising really does solve a lot of problems. For me it clears my head and makes me feel good about myself. It makes me feel healthier and motivates me to do better." -Entry #190, November.29.2012
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My name is Marilyn and I am 27 years old. I have been overweight for most of my life and on May 1st, 2012 I weighed in at 338 pounds. This blog is about my weight-loss journey.
February 2016