Ahhhh my 20th entry! I can’t believe I have kept up with this! I can never even keep a diary going for this long. Did you guys notice each entry is the same number as the date? I thought that was neat when I noticed it the other day.
I just got done working out not too long ago. I skipped breakfast again and had a weight watchers meal for lunch then Michael got us Subway for dinner. I treated myself to a black forest ham on flatbread. I like the Subway website because you can put your sub together on there and it tells you how many calories it is. This was my first time getting meat on my sub since I started dieting. Before I just had a veggie sub but both the veggie sub and black forest ham are the Subway guys Jared’s favorites lol.. Both are low in calorie and fat. I know the ham isn’t good because it’s probably processed but I’m not going to beat myself up over something like that at this point. I have been getting a lot of “how did you do it?” questions about loosing 15 pounds in 2 weeks and the answer is simple really. We all know what we have to do to loose weight. It’s not rocket science. There is no magic pill and there is no method money can buy that will loose the weight for you without exercise unless you get a surgery of some kind. If you look at any weight loss pill I guarantee in the instructions it will say “with exercise” and the results you see you will think it’s the pills working but in all reality it’s not. It’s the exercise with the pills that you are probably seeing the results from. Granted some pills give you herbal nutrients and such but nothing you probably couldn’t buy cheaper at a drug store. Don’t get me wrong I’ve bought into stuff like that and I’m not dishing weight watchers or anything like that. I understand some people need the support of a group to get going. I feel everyone is different and everyone will loose weight in different ways. You just have to find the way that’s best for you and your lifestyle. What it comes down to is will power, strength, confidence, determination and to be free to dream & to never give up until you reach your goal weight. You will have you down days; you just have to learn how to deal with them. I am still a far ways away from where I want to be but I think I’ve gotten off to a good start. Loosing weight is like a mind over matter battle with yourself. You just have to keep telling yourself one thing and making yourself stick to it. Eating lean and green and keeping up an exercise routine is crucial. It’s not like it’s even that bad. I only work out ONE half hour a day! That’s all it takes; don’t over do it. Only do what you feel comfortable with. Anything is better than the way you have been living even it you just start of small and cutting out one thing; your one step closer than you were yesterday. I am so glad I started this a few weeks ago. I can only imagine my old self sitting here beating me up for not having started at all. I am going to keep on going and 5 months from now I don’t want to be sorry! This helps motivate me so much! I am shocked at the ammount of support!
Deb Bender
5/20/2012 05:45:17 pm
Hey Looney! Well, it's time for me to jump in with my 2 cents. I have shared comments in phone conversations with your mom about your blog, but I have yet to tell you how proud I am of you. After reading about your first couple days on this "journey," I thought to myself, "Who IS this confident, bold, determined person???" You have always been a special young lady, but like a budding flower, you seem to have come into full bloom overnight! The ability to take an honest inventory of oneself is not easy and it is something we learn to do throughout our lives-- as we grow, learn and mature. You seem to have taken one giant leap forward, and then to top it all off, you have put your feelings and observations in writing to share with others. It's great! Through this blog you receive support and you give support. Win/Win for everyone! Be assured....this is more than a blog about weight loss. God made each of us with special talents. We knew a long time ago that you have an awesome skill with the camera. And now this: a daily journal that, thanks to the internet, has the potential to reach many. I love your photos and encouraging posters and sayings that accompany your daily writings. And who knew you were such a good author!!!???!!! I guess it's true that one can write well when it's a topic you are passionate about and know well. (I enjoy reading your blog so much that even I, "Miss Grammar," can overlook your misspellings!!...lol...lol...) I am excited for your weight loss but I'm even more excited about you discovering all these wonderful qualities in yourself. Like I said, self-inventory is not easy and it takes courage to look in the mirror and set a course for change; then it takes determination to stay the course. Whether you lose 10 pounds or 100, you have already found the Marilyn we have all known and loved. Oh, and one tip: move the weight scale to your mom's house and celebrate your weigh-in's only ONCE a week with her. Make it a special time, and soon you will be able to hold out for that once-a-week weigh-in ...let the suspense build! And remember, ideal weight loss is slow and steady, 1 or 2 pounds a week, with some bigger peaks and valleys and a few plateaus in between to keep life interesting! ;-) I'll keep you in my prayers. John would be very proud of all you are doing too! Let's never forget to thank God for the gifts of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Oh, (smile), I'll even let you share my life verse that Grandma Dacheff bestowed on me when I was a young girl: (Matthew 17:20) "If you have faith even as small as a grain of mustard seed....Nothing shall be impossible unto you." Simply put, a little faith goes a long way! Keep the faith because with God all things are possible!
5/21/2012 11:59:27 am
This made me smile. Thank you!
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My name is Marilyn and I am 27 years old. I have been overweight for most of my life and on May 1st, 2012 I weighed in at 338 pounds. This blog is about my weight-loss journey.
February 2016