I had my lemon water first thing and oatmeal for breakfast. For lunch I had a pita pizza and for dinner I had a frozen dinner with 2 slices of wheat toast that I baked in the oven with garlic. I am almost done with my 75oz. water jug and have had 3 cups of green tea. I am running low on green tea and need to get some more! I also had 1 cup of coffee earlier this morning. I drink my coffee straight, no cream or sugar. I have been feeling good and got done with my daily workout not too long ago :-)
I had my lemon water first thing and then had a breakfast sandwich. For lunch I had a frozen meal and I am not sure what i'm going to have for dinner. Yesterday I didn't get to write a post and I noticed I usually don't get to it on Saturdays so I am going to make that be my day off from blogging. Yesterday was a good day. I ate right, exercised and got 4 cups of green tea in. I am on my 4th cup of green tea for today right now. I don't have too much to say. I have been staying steady and kicking butt! I can't wait to 100 pounds down. I don't like to set deadlines but I am hoping to lose these last 15 pounds in the next couple of months. I can do it! I know I can. May 1st will mark one year since I have started my journey and it would be great to say I lost 100 pounds in a year. I had high hopes in the beginning by hoping I would have already been down 100 pounds this past November but I fell a little behind. That's ok, i'm kicking butt now and I WILL be 100 pounds down by May 1st if it kills me! Figuratively speaking... You have all been so great with supporting me. You all have kept me going and have motivated me to stay positive. To all of the people that have reached out to me during this past year, thank you! I had my lemon water first thing and then had a breakfast sandwich. I am about to have lunch in a bit. I think i'm going to make a pita pizza. I am not sure what I will have for dinner. I am on my 3rd cup of green tea and have been chugging away at my water jug. I had 1 cup of coffee earlier this morning. Yesterday I cheated with pizza! It was very good. I still have yet to workout today but I am going to do the elliptical/recumbent bike later. Today is Friday! I don't have any plans this weekend. What's new, haha. I've got an itch to do something!!! Days like today make me really wish it was Summer. Happy Valentines Day! Today is my little dog Chewies Birthday too! He turned 2! He got a fancy breakfast this morning lol. A little bit ago I got delivered 2 dozen beautiful red roses with a card from Michael! He is at work and I wasn't expecting anything! I got him a balloon, card and a gift bag stuffed with treats. He called me on his break and said to be ready when he gets home because he wants to take me out to dinner. I'd prefer to stay in and watch a movie, maybe order pizza or something! I can only imagine how crowded all the restaurants in town are going to be today! We will see what he has planned when he gets off work. Oh I forgot to say that today is going to be my cheat day instead of tomorrow. I also weighed in too. I have lost another 2 pounds! As of today I have lost 85 pounds and I have 15 more pounds to lose until I will have lost 100! Crazy! I'm getting there... I hope all of you enjoy the rest of your Valentines day and love up ALL of your loved ones! We got my Mom some flowers and a chocolate heart and adressed it from Chewie lol ;-) <3 <-- I got my perfect view of the TV :) Michael came home from work yesterday and fixed my new exercise machine! If you didn't know it was broken, read my last couple posts lol - He is so handy with stuff like that. I wouldn't have even known where to begin but after he did his magic touches it works AWESOME! I did my first full 30 minute recumbent bike workout last night. Let me tell you, it was a great workout! Defiantly worked parts of my body that have not been worked with my basement routine. I was drenched in sweat and it sure felt like I had rubber legs when I got off lol. I like it because when you set it for a workout and you stop to take a drink or just to pause for a second the clock stops on it so it makes sure you get that full 30 minutes in! (WHEW!) OK so I wrote the first paragraph earlier this morning. Since then I have done a 30 minute elliptical workout and it TOPS the recumbent bike workout. WHEW I didn't think I was going to make it! lol - I don't know how accurate these kind of machines are for when they tell you how many calories you've burned but it said I burned 3 times as much calories as I did with yesterdays workout! I am going to alternate each day between workouts. I think it's working for me so far :-) I LOVE MY NEW MACHINE! I knew having it in the living room would benefit me vs. putting it downstairs. Sitting on the couch staring at it only motivates me. Who knows I might do another workout later on! I had my lemon water first thing and then made myself a cup of coffee. I am on my 3rd cup of green tea and am halfway through my water jug. I had a breakfast sandwich this morning and for lunch I had a turkey meatloaf sandwich. I made a turkey meatloaf for the first time last night and it turned out better than expected! The only thing is I don't really care for meatloaf too much after the 2nd day and I know I will never touch it if I freeze it so i'm going to get creative! I looked online and found a bunch of recipes of things you can do with left over meatloaf. I'm not sure what I want to do just yet. What do you guys do with your leftover meatloaf? Right now i'm making "sweet potato crispies" - I used to make these by pan frying them with regular potatoes before I started eating better. I ran into a recipe online yesterday that reminded me and I can't believe I haven't thought to do it since I have been big into sweet potatoes lately!! I seasoned them with garlic powder, salt, pepper & extra light olive oil and baked them for about 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes on 350. So far they are smelling good! I am not sure what I will have for dinner since I am making these sweet potato crispy strings. They are done and i'm eating them right now! They turned out so good!!! I will diffinatlely be making them again! They are yum, yum, yummy! I had my lemon water first thing and then made myself a breakfast sandwich. When I went shopping yesterday I picked up more eggs, wheat english muffins and mild cheddar cheese slices. I'm not freezing this batch. I'll make them fresh as I want one. I have had 1 cup of coffee and so far 1 cup of green tea. I want to drink at least 3 cups of tea today so I will make 2 more cups before the day is over. I still have a ways to go on my water jug. I bought batteries today! I put them in my new exercise equipment and it's pretty cool! The only thing is that it doesn't do anything when I start to do a workout. It has pre-set workouts on there for 30 minutes and I keep pedaling away and it still says I have 30 minutes left and doesn't display any of my calories burned, resistance level or other info. Something must not be wired right so now I have to wait for Michael to come home from work yet again to figure it out! Ugh!!! If it's not one thing, it's another lol. On a better note I am expecting new pedals to arrive! We contacted them and they are sending us new ones. They are currently out of stock (go figure I wasn't the only one with the broken pedal problem) but the lady said they should be in by the end of the week and then they will ship them out. I sure hope these ones don't come broken too! There is a 90 day warranty on parts so that's nice. Without the warranty, to buy JUST 2 new plastic pedals are $123.38!!!!! JEEZE!!!! Maybe things should just keep " breaking ;-) " in this 90 day warranty period so I can be stocked up with replacements. lol jk, i'm too much of an honest person to do that but I can't say it isn't tempting! Finally my ProForm Hybrid Elliptical and Recumbent Bike is here!!! A 125 pound box is hard to drag around lol. It came in a MILLION pieces! It took us about 2 hours to put together. So far I like it! I haven’t done a full workout on it yet. The screen that’s on it needs batteries, which I don’t have ugh!! The only thing that sucks is that the pedals are plastic and they came with a few chunks chipped off of them. One has a crack near the heel but both are still usable. I am going to contact the company to see if they can send me new ones. It has titanium screws but plastic pedals; go figure... This morning I had my lemon water and then had a breakfast sandwich. I had a Healthy Choice frozen meal for lunch and had a cod fillet with a baked sweet potato for dinner. I am almost done with my water jug and have only had 1 cup of green tea! I did a basement workout last night and I still have yet to workout today but I will before bed. I had a crazy dream last night and woke up super tired! I hate when I have dreams like that. I dream pretty much about every night and usually can remember most of them pretty good. I have had dreams/nightmares ever since I was little so this is nothing new to me. I still remember some dreams to a "T" that I had when I was 4 or 5. I am so used to them now. Some are re-occurring, some pick up where they left off.... The brain amazes me when it comes to stuff like this. I am not going to go into details about the dream I had but it felt like I had gotten hit by a bus when I got up this morning; I was so active in it! Sometimes it feels so real that I have to wake up and tell myself "it was just a dream" haha. SO needless to say this morning was a COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE kind of morning. I didn't do my lemon water and had 3 cups of coffee. I am on my 1st cup of green tea and am half way through my water jug. I had a late breakfast of a pita pizza with mushrooms and black olives and for lunch I had a healthy choice frozen meal. I am not sure what I am going to have for dinner. Yesterday I missed lunch and had a healthy choice meal for dinner. I still have yet to workout today but I will! My new exercise equipment should be here tomorrow! EEEEEKKK!! <-- The problem I have been running into lately. I have been trucking along but that's it. Just, trucking along... I need to step it up a notch and quit screwing myself over! Once my new exercise machine is here things are going to change! I have been slacking off pretty bad on the exercise front. Yesterday was my cheat day and I cheated with junk food and gorged myself. I also didn't work out. I feel nasty today and everything I cheated with yesterday; NOT WORTH IT! I got so full with junk food I made myself sick. I don't know what feelings I was trying to shove down but no more. A cheat day like yesterday is what starts my train to veer off the tracks and only ends in train wreck. I'm nipping this attitude in the bud and moving on! I have gone crazy with motivational posters today but I couldn't pick just a couple so I posted them all! You all better read every one of them too!!! ;-) I added my comment after each one lol I woke up and had my lemon water first thing. I had a breakfast sandwich for lunch and have had 1 cup of green tea so far. I still have yet to start on my water jug and work out but I WILL WORKOUT TODAY. I have no idea what i'm going to have for lunch or dinner. I will write in tomorrows post what I ended up having. |
My name is Marilyn and I am 27 years old. I have been overweight for most of my life and on May 1st, 2012 I weighed in at 338 pounds. This blog is about my weight-loss journey.
February 2016