05/01/2012 - It's just the Beginning
My name is Marilyn; I am 23 years old and 338 pounds. I don't know how I got this way nor did I ever care to recognize myself in the mirror. It has always been the way of life and I was more stuck in the "it is what it is" mind set. I have always been somewhat healthy which has never helped my situation what so ever. I have never had any serious health problems (yet). I thought if I was "healthy" then why bother changing.
I feel I started putting on the weight in 3rd grade. Most of the people on my Dads side are built like lumberjacks so I always used the excuse I was "big boned". I am big boned but I can no longer feed myself that bull. I don't have the typical horror story of how my childhood was ruined by bullies or how I was picked on every day because I wasn't. I had a lot of friends and maybe had 1 or 2 snide comments about my weight throughout my entire life (that I know of). Sometimes I wish I was picked on about it more because maybe my weight wouldn't have escalated to where it is at right now.
At this point in time I own a home, I have 4 dogs which are my world and I have a boyfriend of almost 5 years. He is great but I know deep down he wishes I was fit. I mean I can only imagine how awkward it is to show off your 338 pound trophy girlfriend and be proud of it but he has never shown any embarrassment and he calls me beautiful and tells me he loves me EVERY day. Most of my motivation is the thought of the look on his face when he can't take his eyes off me. I owe it to him and myself to do this.
Now...To start off my journey, this is where it begins: It was about a week and a half ago when Michael gave me a proposition after I was complaining/dreaming about my body. He wasn't trying to be mean and he has NEVER pressured me to lose weight but he approached me with a deal. For every 50 pounds I lose he would take over one of my bills. He said for the first bill, he will take it over after I lose 30 pounds. So here I am 1 week into this with my head spinning and finally I think I have a plan. The majority of this past week was just cutting down my food portions/getting rid of snacks and trying to self-motivate. The day before yesterday I started working out to Richard Simmons. I have had his whole collection for a few years and sadly only ONE of the DVD’s are out of the plastic wrapper. NO MORE! I also have it set up to start walking tomorrow with a friend. If I keep up the exercise, walking, not eating like I used to I will be on the road to success! I have done SOOOO much research online about what I feel would work best for me. I am a homebody and I'm not one to get out and about to go to a gym or check in to a weight loss program so I had to find something that made sense to me and that I know I would stick to. I am surprised I am even going to go walk but I feel I need to do this. With me having lost my job due to the economy and not working, what better time to give it my all then now?! Walking will be the extent of me getting out of the house for exercise. Everything else I will do in the privacy of my own home. Also starting tomorrow I will be replacing my morning coffee with green tea and today I started drinking my needed intake of water. I read online that if you take your weight and divide it in half that is the amount of ounces of water your body needs in a day and well.... I need to get thirsty because I have to drink 1 gallon and 3 cups of water to fit my size and I will do this. Also the LEMON!!!! What a wondrous thing. Every morning I will be taking a half of a fresh lemon and squeezing it into 1 cup of warm water. This is something I did when I tried to diet before and it worked for me. At least I like to think so. With the diet I was on before, I was on it for about 2 weeks and I lost weight FAST. What happened? I gave up! One day I got so discouraged and I threw in the towel. Not this time. This time I am sticking to it. If I don't, please come beat the crap out of me. Serious! Completely serious!
Now, with all of this... I started this blog for it to be another one of my motivators. Thanks for reading and keep checking in! I hope to post my journey and one day look back at how far I’ve come. Cross your fingers and send all your good vibes my way please! ALSO if you have any advice/encouragement please share!
My name is Marilyn; I am 23 years old and 338 pounds. I don't know how I got this way nor did I ever care to recognize myself in the mirror. It has always been the way of life and I was more stuck in the "it is what it is" mind set. I have always been somewhat healthy which has never helped my situation what so ever. I have never had any serious health problems (yet). I thought if I was "healthy" then why bother changing.
I feel I started putting on the weight in 3rd grade. Most of the people on my Dads side are built like lumberjacks so I always used the excuse I was "big boned". I am big boned but I can no longer feed myself that bull. I don't have the typical horror story of how my childhood was ruined by bullies or how I was picked on every day because I wasn't. I had a lot of friends and maybe had 1 or 2 snide comments about my weight throughout my entire life (that I know of). Sometimes I wish I was picked on about it more because maybe my weight wouldn't have escalated to where it is at right now.
At this point in time I own a home, I have 4 dogs which are my world and I have a boyfriend of almost 5 years. He is great but I know deep down he wishes I was fit. I mean I can only imagine how awkward it is to show off your 338 pound trophy girlfriend and be proud of it but he has never shown any embarrassment and he calls me beautiful and tells me he loves me EVERY day. Most of my motivation is the thought of the look on his face when he can't take his eyes off me. I owe it to him and myself to do this.
Now...To start off my journey, this is where it begins: It was about a week and a half ago when Michael gave me a proposition after I was complaining/dreaming about my body. He wasn't trying to be mean and he has NEVER pressured me to lose weight but he approached me with a deal. For every 50 pounds I lose he would take over one of my bills. He said for the first bill, he will take it over after I lose 30 pounds. So here I am 1 week into this with my head spinning and finally I think I have a plan. The majority of this past week was just cutting down my food portions/getting rid of snacks and trying to self-motivate. The day before yesterday I started working out to Richard Simmons. I have had his whole collection for a few years and sadly only ONE of the DVD’s are out of the plastic wrapper. NO MORE! I also have it set up to start walking tomorrow with a friend. If I keep up the exercise, walking, not eating like I used to I will be on the road to success! I have done SOOOO much research online about what I feel would work best for me. I am a homebody and I'm not one to get out and about to go to a gym or check in to a weight loss program so I had to find something that made sense to me and that I know I would stick to. I am surprised I am even going to go walk but I feel I need to do this. With me having lost my job due to the economy and not working, what better time to give it my all then now?! Walking will be the extent of me getting out of the house for exercise. Everything else I will do in the privacy of my own home. Also starting tomorrow I will be replacing my morning coffee with green tea and today I started drinking my needed intake of water. I read online that if you take your weight and divide it in half that is the amount of ounces of water your body needs in a day and well.... I need to get thirsty because I have to drink 1 gallon and 3 cups of water to fit my size and I will do this. Also the LEMON!!!! What a wondrous thing. Every morning I will be taking a half of a fresh lemon and squeezing it into 1 cup of warm water. This is something I did when I tried to diet before and it worked for me. At least I like to think so. With the diet I was on before, I was on it for about 2 weeks and I lost weight FAST. What happened? I gave up! One day I got so discouraged and I threw in the towel. Not this time. This time I am sticking to it. If I don't, please come beat the crap out of me. Serious! Completely serious!
Now, with all of this... I started this blog for it to be another one of my motivators. Thanks for reading and keep checking in! I hope to post my journey and one day look back at how far I’ve come. Cross your fingers and send all your good vibes my way please! ALSO if you have any advice/encouragement please share!
To read my latest blog post go here: MY WEIGHT-LOSS JOURNEY